The right healthcare professionals
for the right job

Quality and care in every step

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Why clients and candidates choose Dignus Medical

Trust and flexibility

For over 20 years, we have been recruiting specialist doctors and nurses to Scandinavia. You are in safe hands. We always have exciting positions and skilled candidates available.

Personal advisor

At Dignus Medical, you will have a personal advisor who won’t rest until they’ve identified the optimal match between you and the employer. This commitment ensures contented clients and thriving candidates.

Customized support

We are with you every step of the way: from the initial contact to signing – and beyond. We are here for your wishes and needs. Clients can benefit from our extensive network of available, high-quality candidates.

Social responsibility

Our primary motivation: To assist the healthcare sector with staffing challenges, increasing the number of healthcare professionals and ensuring that skilled specialist doctors and nurses remain in the industry. 

A small selection of our specialties

Family medicine

Your expertise ensures that people are well taken care of every day. Do you want to contribute to a quality healthcare system in Scandinavia?


Our emotional guides, supporting us through life’s mental challenges. Are you ready for new inspiration?


Real professionals making an invaluable difference every day for people in vulnerable situations. Are you ready to handpick your next career move?


The cornerstone of many treatments! The demand for your expertise is steadily rising. Are you ready for a change of scenery?

Obstetrics and gynecology

Both the private and public sectors have a demand for experts in women’s health. The question is: Where would you like to apply your expertise?


The hidden heart of the diagnostic process – crucial to ensure the right treatment. How about a permanent position in Scandinavia?


Webinar: Work in Scandinavia

Thursday, March 13, 2025 6:30 PM (Norwegian time zone) Are you a medical doctor or nurse considering a career in [...]

Merry Christmas!

From all of us at Dignus Medical, a big thank you and warm Christmas wishes to our clients, doctors, specialists, [...]

Radiologist Janos loves his new life in Bodø

Janos Telek describes the mammography images of a woman’s breast. The patient is a fictitious patient. Photo: Ida Kristin Dølmo, [...]

Webinar: Work in Scandinavia

Thursday September 26,  2024,  6:30 PM (Norwegian time zone) What is it like to work as a medical doctor or [...]

Upcoming Emigration Expo in Houten, Netherlands

We’re attending the upcoming Emigration Expo in Houten, Netherlands, on April 6th and 7th. If you’re attending and intrigued about [...]

Webinar: Work in Scandinavia

Thursday April 11,  2024,  6:30 PM (Norwegian time zone) What is it like to work as a medical doctor or [...]